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Taking the Challenge: A new way of life at DNPR

Darren Northeast
Posted by Darren Northeast on 06.10.2020

Theo Meddelton Darren Northeast

Like everyone else, we at DNPR have been adjusting to living and working through the Coronavirus pandemic. And, like everyone else, we’ve had to get used to some major changes – but change doesn’t have to be negative. It can bring with it a new way of looking at things; imaginative and creative ways of overcoming challenges; and uncover skills and personal resources that you had no idea you possessed!

At DNPR, we’ve been inspired and excited by the way so many of our clients have adapted to meet the Covid-crisis head on: livestreaming to their customers giving upbeat and cheerful insights into their working, and sometimes, personal lives; making fun, informative, uplifting videos; holding Zoom business meetings keeping that vital personal face-to-face contact; setting up online networking groups, making new working relationships and sharing experiences; keeping their talented teams together and that all-important sense of camaraderie on platforms like Slack and WhatsApp. The digital world has really come into its own during these ‘unprecedented’ times and will have changed forever the way we all operate.

Like many others, our whole team has been working remotely since the start of lockdown. We were a little apprehensive at first but, like our amazing clients, we’ve embraced the situation and viewed it as an opportunity. We still have our lovely base at The Chocolate Box, Bournemouth, to give us that creative buzz – but we’re not confined to it.  We’ve realized that we can work really effectively from a whole variety of venues giving us a new freedom and flexibility. And, in spite of Covid, or maybe even because of it, we’re doing some of our most exciting, innovative work for our clients.

These are challenging times for everyone, and especially so for certain industries, but we, our clients, and SME’s across the country are showing the entrepreneurial spirit is undiminished. As a country, that’s something to shout about.